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Guidelines for setting up EarthPulse V5.2

Electro-sensitives can now use our devices

EarthPulse is pleased to release the newest version of its PEMF therapy devices that minimize EMF / RF.
With new power supply and magnet cables, expect minimized EMF / RF emissions and an improved, less distracting, PEMF therapy experience that matches the rest of our clients.

Our commitment to ensure utmost customer satisfaction and effectiveness of our PEMF devices for sleep and recovery drove us to innovate our systems’ power supply & magnet cables to be fully shielded.
Electro-sensitives can now use our devices like everyone else.

This upgrade has been released after rigorous testing and is mainly to improve the effectiveness of our PEMF devices by ensuring minimal EMF leakage.

The new power supply cleans electricity (NO power strips) going to device of electrical or radio frequency. It includes interchangeable wall pins, so you can now travel the world with it and need no adapters. It also puts out near zero EMF, even your laptop charger puts out 2 or 3 Gauss.

New v5.2 magnet cables absorb any EMF generated by the device itself. It used to go all the way from power source to magnet with no cleansing. Now is near zero all the way to the magnets, even the screen itself is near zero.

Those who are particularly electro-sensitive or have electromagnetic hypersensitivity now have a better chance at using PEMF therapy successfully.

We further recommend, to plug the power supply directly in your wall’s power point (or socket) and avoid using power strips. We didn’t know, nor do you,… that power strips are bad or your house could be higher than zero.

Place the EarthPulse controller with back towards the wall for minimal EMF and RF exposure. (once you started the choosen program)

We ship all over Europe

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